Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that surrounds joints or tendons. A bursa reduces friction by cushioning muscles or tendons and bones that move back and forth across each other. The elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, and other joints contain a cushioning bursa. You could have pain in these areas that are caused by an inflamed bursa.
What causes bursitis?
Irritation, injury, or pressure to a bursa can cause inflammation, resulting in swelling and pain.
Causes of bursitis include:
Injury of a joint from sports activities, such as baseball, football, tennis, soccer, golf, and running, can cause the disorder.
Frequent irritation or friction on a body part from other activities, including everyday household jobs such as yard work, shovelling dirt or snow, and house painting, can cause bursitis.
One of the most common areas where bursa gets inflamed is the shoulder. This will cause impingement and pinching when raising your arm above your shoulder.
Symptoms from a bursitis
Symptoms of bursitis usually include swelling, redness, and pain in the affected area, which is normally near a joint.
How is it diagnosed?
One of our Practitioners will examine you to determine if you have bursitis or another condition. These are some simple physical tests that can be done to assess this condition. Grouped together with a thorough case history and discussing your lifestyle, our practitioners should be able to diagnose the condition competently. Ultrasounds can be requested to confirm the diagnosis.
How is it treated and will it go away on its own?
To relieve symptoms of bursitis:
Rest the affected area, such as the shoulder, elbow, knee, or hip.
Do not put any pressure on the sore and swollen area until the swelling subsides.
Maintain your range of motion by moving the joint to help keep the joints from getting stiff.
Gradually build strength in the area with progressive strengthening exercises.
You may need to rest from your sport. A practitioner will guide you through this.
How long will the effects last?
With treatment, the pain and swelling of bursitis usually clear up within 2 to 4 weeks.
How can I help prevent bursitis?
In its essence, bursitis is an inflammatory problem caused by excess strain on one part of the body. Keeping the body functioning well with regards to symmetry and range of motion may help prevent a build-up of abnormal forces in one area. This may reduce the onset of bursitis. Seeking regular visits with our practitioners at the clinic every 4-6 weeks, in our experience, has shown to be beneficial in reducing inflammatory conditions like bursitis.
It’s always hard to place a value on health. Many people say there is nothing more important than your health, but putting a dollar value on that is difficult. For the father that can’t work and provide for his family because of debilitating spinal pain, relief can often be priceless. For the mum that can’t look after her children because of back pain, a reduction of pain is literally life-altering. How do you price that? And what are you really paying for when you have a consultation? Therapists often struggle with charging the correct amount of money for the service they provide. But do patients really understand what they receive for their payment? It’s a real struggle because the results we get and the time spent becoming good enough to get those results are hard to quantify from person to person and very hard to justify to a community looking for their version of the value.
Health costs and consultation time
Pricing your health results is more than just time spent in consultation
One thing I know for sure is that therapists who are motivated primarily by income don’t last long in the business. It’s ok (and preferable) that good therapists make a decent living and do well from their professions. Successful hard work should have great rewards, one of those being financial. But the main motivation for most of the professionals I know (including myself) is primarily to help people. We got into this line of work so we can make a significant difference in people’s lives. Money is a byproduct of how successful you are at that and how much reach you can achieve. I don’t know of any Allied Health professionals who are billionaires from this line of work. Sure they make a decent living, but there is only so many hours in the day, so many people you can see and only so much you can scale a service-based business. So when the general public, your clients, get the impression that you are in this primarily for the money, they are usually dead wrong!
True health and wealth are inter-related. We want to help you, that’s what we’re here for
Health and wealth value
Now I can’t (and shouldn’t) speak for a whole health profession, but at least in our case, at our clinics, commercial interest is not our primary motivation. This was pounded into me by my mentors and I have made sure to only work with those people who share a similar value. We believe in trying to get the best result, in the most time and cost-effective way possible. We don’t like unnecessary treatment and we definitely don’t want you to be in pain for longer than you have to. In saying that, not everyone will get it. Not all our clients will be convinced, and some will never see the value you give them, even after helping them for many years, through many painful periods in their life. They’re sceptical and counting the dollars they spend with you.
Time and cost-effective treatment is one of our core values
Time and cost value treatments
So when patients see us, because they have a booking at a certain time, they assume that they’re paying for our time and that’s it. That may be true, but not in the way you think it’s true. Patients aren’t paying for our time in that consultation, they are paying for our time at University (5yrs), they are paying for the accumulated time (and money) spent (and still spend) doing courses, they are paying for the time we spend reading and learning, they are paying for the time we spent examining and assessing, they are paying for the time we spend with our colleagues discussing their problems, they are paying for the lessons I’ve learnt from the countless mistakes I’ve made, the countless injuries I’ve seen just like theirs. Because of all of that, the whole accumulated 16yrs of knowledge, mistakes, wins/losses, hard work goes into a diagnosis and a treatment. In short, you’re not just paying for my time, you’re getting value from the many years of accumulated knowledge and hard work, that gets more efficient every day, allowing me to get more results for you in the shortest amount of time possible.
Flying to Melbourne to attend a 2-day course on Neuro-Typing and Program Design
One thing I have learned in my years is that overtreatment is a real thing. Like overcooking meat, overtreatment can lead to the opposite effect that you’re looking for. The body can tighten and guard, and because you’ve worked on too many structures, the nervous system fails to respond to the specific problem that we’ve identified. There are some types of people who require less frequency and more time to bring about the desired result. Older people, people with arthritic degenerative conditions are some examples. But if you’re generally healthy, but have a problem that’s developed over time from you doing something over and over again, you may require a more direct approach. These issues require shorter, more targeted treatment, more frequently. This is so because you’ve developed a bad pattern, and to break that pattern, a good therapist will identify the pattern, be able to bring it into a better balance with the rest of the body, then leave the body alone to do its magic and heal. They will do this again within the space of about 2-4 days until they assess that there’s been a change to the system. In most cases, this may take 4-8 sessions, twice a week for two, three, maybe 4 weeks. But the key here is not to overcook them in the treatment. If you do too much, spend too long, if you lose efficiency, you’re likely to get poor results. This will obviously cost you more time and money than coming in once a week, but not as much as it will cost you to get a poor result. And once you get a good result, you can move the patient into less frequency, encourage more activity at a higher intensity and slowly get them off treatment altogether. So…Why in the hell would you want me to spend 30-60 mins with you when I can achieve the result in 15 mins?! Do you not see the value in the result?! Do you not see the value we’ve given you in however many months/years we’ve helped you time and time again?! Do you really think we’re primarily commercially driven?
Efficient treatment needs to requires specific diagnosis and targeted application
I’ve learnt the lesson the hard way. I’ve worked on people for way too long when they’ve asked for it, knowing in my gut that it was not what they needed, but what they wanted. They say that getting more of my time meant more value for them. They never improved and they never came back. Yes, some people require more of your time, for example, if their problem is soft tissue (muscle) based, it will take you more time. So you give it to them. But if their problem is more structural/mechanical, then efficiency is key. Here, less time is required depending on the skill level of the practitioner. That may upset you if you’ve previously required more time from me. You might see that as getting less value, and you might get upset and go looking for solutions elsewhere, solutions that fit what you want, not what you need. Maybe we need to do a better job communicating that discrepancy, but in my experience, most of these patients come back. And we welcome them with open arms, without judgement, because primarily we are here to help. There are a few stubborn ones, but we figured out real quick that we don’t want them anyway.
Communication is key to helping people understand the most efficient approach
Most professionals in my field are agreeable people. Agreeable people tend to be more empathetic and go the extra mile to make others happy. Whilst empathy is a powerful character trait to possess, agreeableness without consideration will ruin a good practitioner. It will burn them out. As people demand more of them, they give more. But there’s only so much you can give. You learn to become efficient. Almost cerebral in the application of your profession. You retain your empathy because the project you’re working on is an actual person, flesh and blood, with hopes, dreams, a story and character. You are but a helper on their journey. We don’t want to waste your time. Even if you want to waste your own time, we don’t want to waste our time. Because we’re also flesh and blood, with hopes, dreams, a story and character. You have come to seek our professional help, to seek our skills and passion. So let us help you using our accumulated knowledge. See the true value and assess us on that. When we assess you, you expect us to ask about and understand the months and years you’ve spent creating this problem for us to solve. So when you judge our performance as therapists, why don’t you see the years we’ve spent to help you right now?!
Let us help you. Together, we can help save you time, money and pain
If you’re seeking a good practitioner that will provide you with true value, find someone that empathises with your situation, learns and understands how it is you got to where you are that you need their help, and then let them help you based on how they got to where they are. Only then can you judge if you’re getting true value. And if you have been seeing someone for years, and they have a history of getting good results for you, you are very lucky. They will generally understand your body better than anyone else and be able to be very efficient with their assessment and treatment. In most of these cases, you’re receiving far more value than the dollars you’re paying.
Whiplash injury can be a result of sudden and unexpected force applied to the neck or back. There are thousands of cases of whiplash every year and many of which are caused by car or motorbike accidents. This post will give an overview of whiplash in general, as well as different causes, symptoms, diagnoses and treatments for whiplash injuries.
What is whiplash?
Whiplash can occur when the lower back or neck undergoes a sudden contraction of the spine. People with whiplash can have a harder time controlling their internal muscles and tend not to be able to properly support their own weight or that of another person.
In many cases, a patient will have whiplash pain caused by a muscle or ligament that has been stretched beyond its normal range of movement. The cause of this pain might be a combination of poor movement patterns, misuse of joints, and even physical trauma from riding a bike or driving.
Whiplash causes
The neck and spine are a complex network of muscles and bones that control movement and help us think and remember. Injury can damage the connective tissue that holds these tissues together. This type of injury may cause numbness, tingling and sharp pain.
There are a number of causes of whiplash injury, these might include:
Automotive accidents
Injuries caused by collisions
Contact sports
Motorcycle accidents
Extreme sports
Crash landings
Automotive causes of whiplash
Whiplash in automotive settings can be the result of sudden and sharp movements, such as hitting the side of the steering wheel after a car crash. The key term is “sudden” sharp movements, such as hitting the side of the steering wheel after a car crash. When the neck and spine bend and turn violently, you might experience the condition as a whiplash injury.
For instance, it might occur when you fall off or ride a motorcycle in a hard corner. You may have whiplash injury in a car or motorcycle if:
Your car goes out of control while you’re driving
You experience a sudden turn, a bump or a jolt
You experience a sudden stop
Your car suddenly collides with another car or stationary object
Whiplash in sportspeople
Whiplash is a surprisingly common injury that many professional sports players deal with repeatedly. When this happens to the ligaments in the neck or upper back, the result can be pain that can be very debilitating and costly to the athlete.
Whiplash is considered one of the most common sports injuries. It usually happens to the neck and upper back, but it can also happen to the shoulder and arm. One of the reasons for this is because it involves rotational forces that are causing the joint to move in a twisting or turning motion.
How can you prevent a whiplash injury?
As we age, our muscles become weaker and less flexible and so whiplash can get worse. Muscle spasms may occur due to muscle fatigue, which may increase the risk of whiplash. No matter how careful you are, accidents can still happen.
Be careful when you drive your car
Take extra care when you drive and avoid doing anything that could cause a whiplash injury. Here are some suggestions that may help reduce risks:
Ensure that diagonal seat belts are securely fastened
Backhand turns and jerky driving are more likely to lead to whiplash injury
Strengthening the neck is vitally important for athletes involved in collision sports. Not only does it help with reducing whiplash injuries, but improves outcomes associated with concussions.
Symptoms of whiplash
So, what are the signs and symptoms of whiplash?
If you have whiplash, you might have pain, weakness, and stiffness in your neck and arms, especially in the lower back and neck. You might also be experiencing headaches, neck pain, and discomfort or numbness in the lower back.
Is whiplash permanent?
When you’re injured in a car accident, you may experience whiplash. This is a severe type of pain that manifests after your neck is jolted by a sudden impact with a vehicle. If you experience this pain regularly, it can be hard to tell if it’s temporary or permanent. You should consult with a healthcare provider to assess and diagnose.
How whiplash is diagnosed?
Most of the time, whiplash is a symptom of another injury, such as whiplash in car accidents. The doctor or healthcare professional may try to pinpoint the cause of the whiplash injury. If you’re suffering from whiplash, you can avoid a lot of hassle by knowing how to identify and treat whiplash injury.
Transverse rib injury and Pit Bull Syndrome
The word “whiplash” can be a misleading term, as it has been used to describe a wide range of different injuries. Another term used might be “transverse rib injury”, which can more precise because it better reflects the actual condition of the injury. Whiplash includes any rib or vertebra injury and is also known as a “vertical neck fracture” or “vertical transverse rib fracture.” The condition most commonly associated with whiplash is the infamous “Pit Bull Syndrome” (often abbreviated as PBS).
Diagnostic tools
X-rays, CT Scans and MRI may show the spine, or any vertebrae, flexing and twisting. This tool may show a disc protruding from between the vertebrae, which may be evidence of whiplash injury.
In addition, a CT scan is a helpful diagnostic tool. It can help detect herniated discs and blood clots, among other things.
Physical examination
Baseline physical examination may also be conducted to find out if there are any immediate problems. This will help in ruling out any further injury or issue that is related to the injury.
Sensory evaluation and testing are also done to diagnose the injury. The severity of the injury, pain and immobilization on the neck is assessed by the doctor. Steps of this exam may include moving your neck and back in particular positions and medical teams detecting any numbness, tingling or any other signs of disc protrusion.
Treatment for whiplash
There are several treatment options to treat whiplash injuries. The standard treatment for whiplash may include physical therapy and the use of pain medications like Voltaren and Ibuprofen. But this often leaves the underlying mechanical issues unresolved.
Other treatment options by medical teams can include spinal adjustments, sports medicine, physiotherapy, dry needling, chiropractic treatment, massage, and osteopathy. All these treatments may treat the problem, the underlying mechanical trauma, and prevent future complications.
If you feel that any of the information we’ve given you here resonates with you and you feel we are in a position to help, please BOOK ONLINE as we would welcome the opportunity. If you feel that we can help you in any other way, please reach out to us via our CONTACT PAGE.
I’ve been a qualified Osteopath since 2004. I’ve been playing football ever since I could remember and I have a passion for it. I’ve played at the highest level in the NSW State League at both Youth and Senior levels, and have also been Head Physician at numerous State League Clubs. I’ve travelled internationally and consulted with Sports academies in Barcelona and Italy. I have a special interest in Strength and Conditioning for footballers, as I believe it gives them an edge in their physical competition. My passion involves bringing all of this knowledge into every single treatment that I provide for all athletes. If you feel that I can help you and want to reach out to me, contact me.
Repetitive strain injury, or RSI, can sound scary and some people fear it will end their careers. RSI may be symptomatic in the fingers, elbows and wrists caused by repetitive use, compression, vibrations, or holding fixed positions. Many professions use their hands in their jobs, such as musicians, plumbers, construction workers, chefs, hairdressers, dentists, jewellery makers, drivers, electricians, sportspeople and many more. Though, just about anyone can develop an RSI. Continue tot read to learn what RSI is, symptoms, prevention, and treatments.
What Is Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)?
Repetitive strain injury, or RSI, is caused by abnormal muscle tension or contraction of muscles that then can over time lead to injury. RSI may be commonly confused with carpal tunnel syndrome. It may cause some hand pain or hand spasm. Physical repetitive tasks are often the main culprits for causing RSI, but it can also occur due to poor posture, heavy work positions, particular actions in sports.
Risk factors for developing RSI may include neurological problems, like nerve disorders and muscle weakness, genetic disorders, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, and motor vehicle accidents.
As the name suggests, RSI is a type of injury that happens when the same action or movement is repeated frequently. It’s an overuse injury that can be quite painful and impact a range of motion (ROM).
What and where does RSI impact?
RSI is most commonly found in wrist and forearm tendons. RSI frequently affects:
A repetitive strain injury usually demonstrates when you become progressively more weak or fatigued with the same movement. The nervous system controls a lot of different functions such as movements of muscles, nerves and joints.
When a muscle or joint becomes progressively weaker, it becomes difficult to perform the same movement again, this increases the risk of injury. For instance, a bowler in a bowling alley may be at risk of strain injury because they are powerfully rotating their elbow. Similarly, many athletes such as rugby players are increasingly at risk of RSI from repetitively smashing their shoulder joints against the ground or in an oppositional manner when tackling.
The best ways that may prevent RSI is by keeping hands, or other risk areas, mobile and strong by using them regularly in a targeted way.
Strength Training
Strength training is an excellent way to maintain flexibility in the fingers and hand muscles. Aim for 10 to 15 minutes of exercise daily. Beginning with gentle stretches to build up flexibility may be an early approach for you. A Physio or Osteo can prescribe the kinds of strength exercises that may best prevent RSI.
Gentle Activity
Gentle movement is the best method of preventing RSI. These may be done with tools like an elastic band and putty. A Physio or Osteo can prescribe the kinds of gentle activities that may best prevent RSI.
What Causes Repetitive Strain Injury?
Though RSI can be a common occurrence in everyday life, it can be caused by injuries or trauma to the muscles. However, many people suffer from RSI with no obvious injury or trauma. Sports and activities that involve repetitive movements and activities are risk factors for RSI. It can be caused by tendonitis, muscle tears, sprains and strains. It can also occur due to overuse or strain injuries, in which the muscle is unable to reduce contract.
How Is RSI Diagnosed?
RSI is a collective, generic term for these kinds of injuries – mostly referring to pain in the arm.
If you have even mild pain or discomfort completing repetitive types of tasks at home or in your workplace, you may benefit by seeing a healthcare professional like an Osteo, Physio or Chiro. They will ask you questions about your activities noting repetitive movements and computer ergonomic workstation. In addition, they may conduct a physical assessment, including a range of motion tests, check for inflammation, reflexes, and strength.
What If RSI Goes Untreated?
The official medical diagnosis of these bio-mechanical conditions or may lead to serious conditions such as:
For sportspeople and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, physicians may prescribe an ice pack for the symptoms. Other common treatments may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, osteopathic techniques, infrared heating, physiotherapy, electrical stimulation, or splint, and massage. Corticosteroids may be used, but need to be carefully considered.
Practitioners may prescribe lightweights, foot strapping or compression, strengthening exercises, bracing or fascial release. With regards to the hands, treatments usually aim to increase blood flow to the hands. Some therapists may suggest massage, often performed with a firm hand massage machine.
Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment Options
The initial treatment for RSI symptoms is conservative. This may include:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Hot-cold therapy
Medication (including over-the-counter or prescriptions)
Physical exercises prescribed as part of a physical therapy treatment plan
Stress reduction and relaxation training
As a last resort, surgery to correct nerve/tendon issues
Why Use Massage Therapy for Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment?
Massage therapy is a great alternative, the conservative treatment you may want to consider before other treatment options, including the following:
It works to reduce pain and may help to heal the injury by doing the following:
It boosts blood and lymphatic circulation, helping the body to eliminate poisonous toxins and reduce swelling
Massage reduces the pain caused by tension in the muscles
It helps to promote healthy regeneration of tissue and tendons damaged by the RSI
It increases motion range by stretching tissue and relaxing tight muscles
Massage improves scar tissue and decreases the chances of re-tearing
A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is usually caused by the repetitive use of muscles, tendons or ligaments. This repetitive strain creates a small but continuous force against the tendon, which can lead to deterioration and possibly fractures. RSI in the body can affect your flexibility, strength, power, work rate, movements, fatigue and confidence. Rehabilitation with a therapist can be the best solution to relieve RSI pain and correct the underlying causes before it becomes more severe.
If you feel that any of the information we’ve given you here resonates with you and you feel we are in a position to help, please BOOK ONLINE as we would welcome the opportunity. If you feel that we can help you in any other way, please reach out to us via our CONTACT PAGE.
I’ve been a qualified Osteopath since 2004. I’ve been playing football ever since I could remember and I have a passion for it. I’ve played at the highest level in the NSW State League at both Youth and Senior levels, and have also been Head Physician at numerous State League Clubs. I’ve travelled internationally and consulted with Sports academies in Barcelona and Italy. I have a special interest in Strength and Conditioning for footballers, as I believe it gives them an edge in their physical competition. My passion involves bringing all of this knowledge into every single treatment that I provide for all athletes. If you feel that I can help you and want to reach out to me, contact me.
Your upper back is largely made up of the thoracic spine, the part of the back where the ribs attach for the most part. Upper back pain is pain felt between your lower neck and the upper part of your low back.
How does upper back pain occur?
The upper back (like other parts of the spine) is comprised of many joints, ligaments and associated muscles. Back pain is usually caused when ligaments or muscles attaching to the vertebrae are injured. It can also be caused by the joints in the upper back becoming loaded, fatigued and strained. Poor posture, muscular fatigue, poor nutrition and chronic muscular tension may contribute to pain levels. It is very common for someone to injure their upper back when carrying objects, throwing, bending or twisting. Sitting at a desk for a prolonged time can cause upper back muscles to tighten and become stiff. Tension in the front of the chest and pec muscles may also contribute to this tension. Upper back pain can come even come from vigorous coughing or sneezing.
Sometimes upper back pain is caused by scoliosis, a curve in the spine that has developed during the adolescent growth period. In scoliosis there is usually an imbalance of the muscles of the upper back. This should be thoroughly investigated first before being diagnosed.
What are the symptoms of upper back pain?
Symptoms of upper back pain may include:
A feeling of tightness and tension
muscle spasms
pain when you take a deep breath
pain when your back is touched or when you move
pain when you move and roll your shoulders or bend your neck forward.
How is upper back pain diagnosed?
Diagnosis is generally done after thorough history taking and physical examination. The aim of the physical examination is to try and reproduce the pain so we can identify the source. This may be difficult without constant loading of the spine, although an understanding of what aggravates your pain and how it is aggravated will give us a good indication as to the diagnosis. X-rays may be requested in rare cases where the pain is persistent or a cause/trigger cannot be identified.
How is it treated?
After performing a thorough history and physical examination, a diagnosis is reached and a treatment plan is put together based on the diagnosis. Treatment generally has two objectives. One, is to reduce the symptoms of pain and discomfort, and two, to begin and continue the process of recovery and return to normal pain-free function. Your therapist may use a wide range of techniques from soft tissue release, joint mobilisation and articulation, stretching, muscle energy technique, and many other forms of manual therapy. The great thing about our therapists is that they have a wide range of tools at their disposal to help alleviate the pain. Techniques will be used based on giving you the best outcome in the shortest amount of time, maintaining the quality of care.
When can I return to my sport or activity?
The goal of rehabilitation is to return you to your sport or activity as soon as is safely possible. If you return too soon you may worsen your injury, which could lead to more damage. Everyone recovers from an injury at a different rate. In general, the longer you have symptoms before you start treatment, the longer it will take to get better.
It is important that you have fully recovered from your upper back pain before you return to your sport or strenuous activity. You must be able to have the same range of motion that you had before the injury. You should be able to run, lift, jump and twist without pain.
What can I do to prevent upper back pain?
The upper back is one of the areas of our body that is under constant strain in daily life. Whether sitting or standing, it takes to load from your torso and allows you to perform daily functions, especially ones that use your hands. The best way to prevent pain in this area is NOT to avoid using it but to improve the strength of the area so that it can withstand daily stresses. A good strength program will do this along with your will and compliance. Our practitioners can help you with this.
I’ve been a qualified Osteopath since 2004. I’ve been playing football ever since I could remember and I have a passion for it. I’ve played at the highest level in the NSW State League at both Youth and Senior levels, and have also been Head Physician at numerous State League Clubs. I’ve travelled internationally and consulted with Sports academies in Barcelona and Italy. I have a special interest in Strength and Conditioning for footballers, as I believe it gives them an edge in their physical competition. My passion involves bringing all of this knowledge into every single treatment that I provide for all athletes. If you feel that I can help you and want to reach out to me, contact me.