Sports Medicine Clinic offers Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Massage Therapy services. Read on to find out what services suits your injury, recovery, or strength building needs.
Services offered at Sports Medicine Clinic
Osteopathy at Sports Medicine Clinic
Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that aims at helping the body restore its balance. It looks at each injury from the view that the injury has an effect on the whole body. Therefore, only by taking into account the changes made by the whole body to accommodate the injury, can true long-term recovery occur.
Osteopathy may be a safe and effective therapy for the whole family. Osteopaths will commonly treat various sports injuries.
Some conditions that are commonly treated with success with Osteo services at our clinics are:
- Lower Back Pain
- Disc problems
- Knee Pain
- Sports injury
- Ankle and foot injuries
- Sciatica
- Numbness and tingling
- Shoulder and neck pain
- Headaches
- Postural problems
- Arthritis
- Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
- Pain and activity during pregnancy
Restriction related to sporting activities:
- Running
- Kicking
- Throwing & Passing
- Over arm action
- Swinging
- Dancing
- Strength Training
Here are common questions regarding osteopathic treatment service offerings.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that aims at helping the body restore its balance. It looks at each injury from the view that the injury has an effect on the whole body. Therefore, only by taking into account the changes made by the whole body to accommodate the injury, can true long-term recovery occur. Osteopathy is defined by its principles:
The body is whole, working as a unit.
This seems obvious enough to most people, yet most other therapies don’t seem to take this into consideration when treating injuries. They end up focusing on the pain and symptoms only, without focusing on the cause. This leads to repeat injuries and pain coming back. E.g. Recurring ankle injuries.
Structure and Function are inter-related.
Quite simply put, the physical structure of the body will affect how your body will work. And in return, poor function of the body over time, will have an effect on the body structure. This will allow the osteopath to look deeper into your lifestyle habits, so as to explain why your body falls into certain positions. E.g. Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).
The body has the ability to heal itself.
Osteopaths believe in the body’s proven ability to heal itself. Much like you can see a small scratch on your arm heal over time, the same process happens inside your body, but on a larger scale. It is only when mechanical restriction slows this process down, do injuries become chronic or long term. Osteopaths are trained in identifying and removing these restrictions so that healing can occur.
Osteopaths strictly follow the above three principles.
As obvious as it seems, it is the thought process of Osteopathy that sets it apart from other therapies like Physiotherapy and Chiropractic, and not the techniques that are used. This philosophy when applied correctly, is able to overcome mechanical and structural problems that cause pain.
Osteopaths are expertly trained in the specifics of biomechanics, and the anatomy and structure of the body. Osteopaths at the Sports Medicine Clinic work in this structural manner to specifically, efficiently and safely identify and treat your injury.
Chiropractic at Sports Medicine Clinic
Chiropractic is a health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the nervous system and general health.
The word chiropractic, from the Greek words praxis and cheir, means practice or treatment by hand.
Similarly to an Osteopath, Chiropractors believe in the body’s innate healing abilities, meaning the body is self healing and self regulating. This ability that the body has is affected by and integrated through the nervous system. The treatment that they provide is merely the allowing the body to heal itself.
Chiropractic is a growing form of primary health care being the third largest of the doctored health professions behind medicine and dentistry.
Chiropractors are trained in locating and treating vertebral stiffness. These are regions of the spine that have changed the function of the spine and the surrounding tissues, most importantly the nervous system. A change to the nervous system at these areas will cause symptoms like pain and changes in feeling sensations.
Chiropractors are trained throughout their five-year course consisting of a three year Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and a Masters of Chiropractic.
What we can help with:
Massage Therapy at Sports Medicine Clinic
Massage Therapy may be a safe and effective treatment which aims at relieving muscle aches and pains, as well as improving circulation and range of movement. Massage Therapy is highly recommended for those who carry tension and stress in their muscles and tissues, as it may reduce tension and improve circulation.
The clinic provides quality care in this service field with practitioners and massage therapists having over 12 years of experience in the industry.
Some of the massage services offered are:
- Remedial Massage
- Sports Massage
- Deep tissue Massage
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Pregnancy Massage
From the firmness needed in treating athletes, to the gentleness required in treating expecting mums, the staff at the clinic have a wide range of treatment techniques to make sure you get the most therapeutic benefit out of your appointment.
Physiotherapy at Sports Medicine Clinic
Our highly qualified health professional Physiotherapists take an individualised approach to understand what is causing the issues (assess), taking the time to uncover the cause (diagnosis), and a focused treatment plan (treat) to help you reach your goals.
Physiotherapy, or physio, is a clinical health science and profession aimed at assisting in the restoration, maintenance, and mobility for the patient’s well being that may have been impacted by illness, injury, or disability. It can also be used to assist in acute and chronic pain and for the reduction of stress.
Other services Sports Medicine Clinic offers include:
- Osteopathy with Dr. Sami Karam, Senior Osteopath or Dr. Robert Korac
- Chiropractic with Dr. Fadi Habanbou, Chiropractor
- You may also be interested in Physiotherapy, Cupping Therapy or Dry Needling
If you want to have a chat about your condition, call us today on: