Do Corns Go Away On Their Own?

corns on feet

Will a corn go away by itself?

Corns may not go away on their own, especially if the cause of the corn, such as repetitive friction or pressure, persists. 

Corns develop as the skin’s natural response to protect itself from these forces, and they often require intervention to resolve. Without addressing the underlying cause and providing appropriate care, corns can persist and potentially worsen over time.

In some cases, if the source of friction or pressure is eliminated, a small corn may gradually diminish on its own as the skin reverts to its normal state. However, this is not a guaranteed outcome, and larger or more established corns often require active treatment.

It’s essential to manage corns promptly to prevent them from becoming more painful and problematic. If you have corns that are causing discomfort or concern, it’s advisable to consult a podiatrist or healthcare professional for proper evaluation, treatment, and guidance on preventing their recurrence.

What happens if you leave a corn alone?

If you leave calluses and corn untreated, they can become thicker and more painful over time.

This is because the thickened skin can continue to build up in response to the pressure and friction that caused the callus or corn in the first place.

In some cases, the thickened skin can become so severe that it develops into an ulcer or a sore. This can be particularly dangerous for people with diabetes or other conditions that affect circulation or the immune system, as it can increase the risk of infection and other complications.

In addition to causing pain and discomfort, untreated calluses and corns can also affect your gait and balance, making it more difficult to walk or stand comfortably. This can lead to other foot problems, such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or ankle sprains.

Overall, it’s important to seek treatment for calluses and corns, particularly if they are causing pain or interfering with your daily activities. A podiatrist can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options to help you manage the problem and prevent complications.

How long does it take a corn to go away on its own?

The time it takes for a corn to go away on its own, if it goes away at all, can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of the corn, the underlying cause, and individual differences.

In some cases, small and soft corns may gradually diminish on their own if the source of friction or pressure is eliminated. This may take weeks to months.

However, it’s important to note that many corns do not go away on their own, especially if they are larger or more established. Corns often persist and may even increase in size if the contributing factors, such as ill-fitting footwear or structural foot issues, are not addressed. In such cases, active intervention is typically necessary to resolve the corn.

The best approach to managing corns is to identify and address the root cause, alleviate the pressure or friction, and consult with a podiatrist to effectively reduce the thickness of the callus/corn and remove it. Seeking professional guidance is important for effective and timely management of corns, as well as preventing their recurrence.

What happens if a corn is not removed?

Leaving a corn untreated and allowing it to persist can lead to several potential consequences and complications, including:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: Corns are often painful, especially when they are subjected to pressure or friction. Neglecting treatment may lead to increased discomfort and pain during activities like walking or wearing certain shoes.
  2. Enlargement: Corns may continue to grow and increase in size if the source of pressure or friction is not addressed. Larger corns can be more painful and harder to treat.
  3. Changes in Gait: To avoid putting pressure on a corn, individuals might unconsciously alter their walking pattern. This can lead to issues with gait and posture, potentially causing pain in other parts of the body.
  4. Risk of Infection: Corns can cause the skin to crack, creating an entry point for bacteria. This can lead to infection, which may require medical treatment.
  5. Chronic Discomfort: Corns that persist over time can become chronic sources of discomfort and inconvenience. This can affect one’s quality of life and mobility.
  6. Complications for Vulnerable Populations: For individuals with diabetes or circulatory problems, the risk of complications related to untreated foot conditions, including corns, is heightened. These complications can be more severe and challenging to manage.
    Worsening Skin Health: Neglecting foot care can result in worsening skin health, making the skin more susceptible to other issues, such as fungal infections.

Given these potential complications, it’s advisable to address corns promptly with proper treatment or preventive measures. Consult a podiatrist or healthcare professional for guidance on the most suitable approach to manage and prevent corns effectively.

Picture of Dr. Yasmin Karam

Dr. Yasmin Karam

Dr. Yasmin Karam graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science/Masters in Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Yasmin has had experience working in both private and public sectors, exposing her to a great range of foot complications; from minor nail and skin pathologies to foot mal-alignments and diabetic foot ulcers.

More about Dr. Yasmin Karam

What Causes Heel Pain?

Heel Pain image

What could be causing your heel pain?

Heel pain is a common foot condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. It typically refers to discomfort or pain felt in the back or bottom of the heel, although the pain can also radiate to the sides or bottom of the foot.


Some common causes of heel pain include:

  1. Plantar fasciitis: inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that runs from the heel to the toes.
  2. Achilles tendonitis: inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.
  3. Heel spurs: bony growths that develop on the bottom of the heel bone.
  4. Bursitis: inflammation of the bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints and tendons.
  5. Stress fractures: small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive stress or overuse.


Other factors that can contribute to heel pain include obesity, poorly fitting shoes, flat feet, high arches, and prolonged standing or walking.

Treatment options for heel pain

The treatment for heel pain depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Here are some common treatment options:

  1. Rest and ice: Resting the affected foot and applying ice to the area can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  2. Stretching exercises: Stretching the calf muscles and the plantar fascia can help relieve tension and reduce pain. A podiatrist or physical therapist can recommend specific exercises for your individual needs.
  3. Custom orthotics: Wearing custom-made shoe inserts (orthotics) can help correct any foot abnormalities and distribute pressure evenly across the foot.
  4. Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help reduce pain and inflammation. Your doctor may also prescribe a stronger medication if necessary.
  5. Physical therapy: A physical therapist can work with you to develop an exercise program to help strengthen and stretch the affected foot.
  6. Corticosteroid injections: In some cases, a corticosteroid injection may be recommended to reduce inflammation and pain.
  7. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT): This non-invasive treatment uses shock waves to stimulate healing and reduce pain.
  8. Surgery: Surgery is usually a last resort for heel pain and is only considered if other treatments have failed. The type of surgery will depend on the underlying cause of the pain.

It’s important to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider if you are experiencing heel pain. They can properly diagnose the underlying cause of the pain and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual needs.

Why is a podiatrist like a superhero for diabetic foot patients? Because they know how to ‘heel’ the problems and are the ‘sole’ protectors of your feet.

Activities to avoid if you have heel pain

If you are experiencing heel pain, it’s important to avoid activities that can exacerbate the pain or cause further damage to the affected area. Here are some activities to avoid:

  1. Running or jogging: High-impact activities like running or jogging can put additional stress on the heels and aggravate the pain.
  2. Jumping or high-impact sports: Activities like basketball, volleyball, or high-impact aerobics can also be problematic for those with heel pain.
  3. Standing for long periods of time: Prolonged standing can worsen the pain, so it’s important to take frequent breaks and rest your feet as needed.
  4. Walking long distances: Walking long distances, especially on hard surfaces like concrete, can also aggravate heel pain.
  5. Wearing unsupportive shoes: Shoes that do not provide adequate support can exacerbate heel pain. High heels, flip-flops, and sandals without proper arch support should be avoided.
  6. Walking barefoot: Walking barefoot can increase the stress on the heels and worsen the pain.
  7. Overusing the affected foot: Overusing the affected foot can prolong the healing process and make the pain worse.

Shoe recommendations if you suffer from heel pain

Choosing the right footwear can be an important part of managing heel pain. Here are some features to look for when selecting shoes to help alleviate heel pain:

  1. Good arch support: Shoes with good arch support can help distribute weight evenly across the foot and reduce stress on the heels.
  2. Cushioned soles: Shoes with cushioned soles can help absorb shock and reduce pressure on the heels.
  3. Firm heel counter: A firm heel counter provides stability and helps prevent the foot from rolling inward or outward, which can cause additional strain on the heels.
  4. Wide toe box: Shoes with a wide toe box can help prevent the toes from being cramped and provide ample room for the foot to move.
  5. Low heel: Shoes with a low heel can help reduce pressure on the heels and are generally recommended for those with heel pain.

Some specific types of shoes that may be beneficial for those with heel pain include:

  1. Athletic shoes with good arch support and cushioning
  2. Orthopedic shoes or custom-made shoes with built-in orthotics
  3. Clogs or slip-on shoes with a firm heel counter and cushioned sole
  4. Walking shoes with a low heel and good arch support

It’s important to try on different types of shoes to find the best fit for your individual needs. It’s also recommended to shop for shoes later in the day when your feet are slightly swollen and to wear the same socks or inserts that you plan to wear with the shoes. A podiatrist can also provide guidance on selecting appropriate footwear for heel pain.


What to expect from your appointment with a Podiatrist for heel pain

If you are experiencing heel pain and are scheduled to see a podiatrist, here’s what you can expect from your appointment:

  1. Medical history and physical exam: Your podiatrist will start by asking about your medical history, including any past foot injuries or surgeries. They will also conduct a physical exam of your feet and observe your gait to look for any abnormalities.
  2. Diagnostic tests: Your podiatrist may order diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or an MRI, to help determine the underlying cause of your heel pain.
  3. Diagnosis: Based on your medical history, physical exam, and any diagnostic tests, your podiatrist will make a diagnosis and explain the underlying cause of your heel pain.
  4. Treatment plan: Your podiatrist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses the underlying cause of your heel pain. This may include stretching and strengthening exercises, shoe modifications, orthotics, medication, physical therapy, or other treatments.
  5. Follow-up appointments: Your podiatrist may schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

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Picture of Dr. Yasmin Karam

Dr. Yasmin Karam

Dr. Yasmin Karam graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science/Masters in Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Yasmin has had experience working in both private and public sectors, exposing her to a great range of foot complications; from minor nail and skin pathologies to foot mal-alignments and diabetic foot ulcers.

More about Dr. Yasmin Karam

How To Get Rid of Corns?

corns on feet

Corns may not go away on their own, especially if the cause of the corn, such as repetitive friction or pressure, persists. The best course of action is to see a podiatrist

Corns develop as the skin’s natural response to protect itself from these forces, and they often require intervention to resolve. Without addressing the underlying cause and providing appropriate care, corns can persist and potentially worsen over time.

In some cases, if the source of friction or pressure is eliminated, a small corn may gradually diminish on its own as the skin reverts to its normal state. However, this is not a guaranteed outcome, and larger or more established corns often require active treatment.

It’s essential to manage corns promptly to prevent them from becoming more painful and problematic. If you have corns that are causing discomfort or concern, it’s advisable to consult a podiatrist or healthcare professional for proper evaluation, treatment, and guidance on preventing their recurrence.

What happens if you leave a corn alone?

If you leave calluses and corn untreated, they can become thicker and more painful over time.

This is because the thickened skin can continue to build up in response to the pressure and friction that caused the callus or corn in the first place.

In some cases, the thickened skin can become so severe that it develops into an ulcer or a sore. This can be particularly dangerous for people with diabetes or other conditions that affect circulation or the immune system, as it can increase the risk of infection and other complications.

In addition to causing pain and discomfort, untreated calluses and corns can also affect your gait and balance, making it more difficult to walk or stand comfortably. This can lead to other foot problems, such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or ankle sprains.

Overall, it’s important to seek treatment for calluses and corns, particularly if they are causing pain or interfering with your daily activities. A podiatrist can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options to help you manage the problem and prevent complications.

How long does it take a corn to go away on its own?

The time it takes for a corn to go away on its own, if it goes away at all, can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of the corn, the underlying cause, and individual differences.

In some cases, small and soft corns may gradually diminish on their own if the source of friction or pressure is eliminated. This may take weeks to months.

However, it’s important to note that many corns do not go away on their own, especially if they are larger or more established. Corns often persist and may even increase in size if the contributing factors, such as ill-fitting footwear or structural foot issues, are not addressed. In such cases, active intervention is typically necessary to resolve the corn.

The best approach to managing corns is to identify and address the root cause, alleviate the pressure or friction, and consult with a podiatrist to effectively reduce the thickness of the callus/corn and remove it. Seeking professional guidance is important for effective and timely management of corns, as well as preventing their recurrence.

What happens if a corn is not removed?

Leaving a corn untreated and allowing it to persist can lead to several potential consequences and complications, including:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: Corns are often painful, especially when they are subjected to pressure or friction. Neglecting treatment may lead to increased discomfort and pain during activities like walking or wearing certain shoes.
  2. Enlargement: Corns may continue to grow and increase in size if the source of pressure or friction is not addressed. Larger corns can be more painful and harder to treat.
  3. Changes in Gait: To avoid putting pressure on a corn, individuals might unconsciously alter their walking pattern. This can lead to issues with gait and posture, potentially causing pain in other parts of the body.
  4. Risk of Infection: Corns can cause the skin to crack, creating an entry point for bacteria. This can lead to infection, which may require medical treatment.
  5. Chronic Discomfort: Corns that persist over time can become chronic sources of discomfort and inconvenience. This can affect one’s quality of life and mobility.
  6. Complications for Vulnerable Populations: For individuals with diabetes or circulatory problems, the risk of complications related to untreated foot conditions, including corns, is heightened. These complications can be more severe and challenging to manage.
    Worsening Skin Health: Neglecting foot care can result in worsening skin health, making the skin more susceptible to other issues, such as fungal infections.

Given these potential complications, it’s advisable to address corns promptly with proper treatment or preventive measures. Consult a podiatrist or healthcare professional for guidance on the most suitable approach to manage and prevent corns effectively.

Picture of Dr. Yasmin Karam

Dr. Yasmin Karam

Dr. Yasmin Karam graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science/Masters in Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Yasmin has had experience working in both private and public sectors, exposing her to a great range of foot complications; from minor nail and skin pathologies to foot mal-alignments and diabetic foot ulcers.

More about Dr. Yasmin Karam